entrepreneurial success stories of our customers


Welcome to the DEAL BUZZER ‘Hall of Fame’! Here we present some inspiring success stories of our customers who have not only achieved their goals with the help of DEAL BUZZER products, but have also exceeded them. Our products have enabled these companies to motivate their employees, increase productivity, strengthen internal communication, take their business success to the next level and much more.

Case study - Caroline Ernst


Initial situation:
There were no defined goals and Benchmarks in sales, in the warehouse, in the production and purchasing. The team was not digitally networked and could not never exchange information with each other.
Together & in real time on daily and monthly targets, and the successes achieved also and to pass it on in the team was never possible, which the weakened the community as a whole.
The department heads have defined targets and benchmarks with the team and drawn up rules. which can be seen as a success. This ensures mutual competition and team spirit, which makes each individual even stronger and increases the output in the team as a whole has improved significantly.

Case study - Jusef Chehade

CC Wholesale GmbH

Initial situation:
We have always enjoyed our successes celebrated, but we do work like a Champions League team, That’s why we want to celebrate like a Champions League winner.
The workplace must be a place where people like to come here and also are prepared to pay above-average to achieve results.
When an applicant joins our company, it is already clear before the interview: “I want to work here!”. We have created a place here where people are prepared to to go the extra mile but also receive the recognition he/she deserves”. With The DEAL BUZZER confirms this once again. The team’s successes on Celebrate at Champions League level!

Case study - Leon Koschitzki

LGV distribution

Initial situation:
We wanted to continue the successes with the team better to celebrate than always clapping hands, that was done after a little “boring” after a short time.
Finding a buzzer that actually appeals to the different senses and also for new employees directly is ready for use.
The DEAL BUZZER has become the core of our sales organization. When we invite someone to trial work here and he closes his first deal, he gets the DEAL BUZZER and the whole team celebrates with him, which is exactly what brings a different dynamic to our company. Team building from day 1.